Invest your green to build green and return more green. 

 ECO ENERGY SYSTEMS will deliver direct access to the cash flow returns generated from building and maintaining renewable energy systems for commercial, industrial, and residential buildings including schools, universities, hospitals, apartment complexes, hotels, office buildings, gas stations, restaurants, strip malls, and community centers. Each project will be vetted by our expert team of engineers with deep domain knowledge and experience in developing and operating such projects that generate consistent cash flow over a long period of time.

Green Energy Financing EV Charging Setup Mini Grid Setup Solar Power Economics Solar Power Technology Green Energy Investment High Returns Low-Risk Green Energy Investment ESG Green EV Charging PV Powered EV Charging Carbon Free Power

What is ESG investing?

ESG investing is a form of sustainable investing that considers environmental, social, and governance factors to judge an investment’s financial returns and its overall impact. An investment’s ESG score measures the sustainability of investment in those specific categories.

According to the US SIF Foundation’s 2020 trends report, U.S. assets under management using ESG strategies grew to $17.1 trillion at the beginning of 2020. That’s a 42% increase from $12 trillion at the beginning of 2018.

Benefits of ESG investing

Green Energy Investment High Returns EV Charging Setup Mini Grid Setup Solar Power Economics Solar Power Technology Green Energy Investment High Returns Low-Risk Green Energy Investment ESG Green EV Charging PV Powered EV Charging Carbon Free Power

High Returns

A 2019 white paper produced by the Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing compared the performance of sustainable funds with traditional funds and found that from 2004 to 2018, the total returns of sustainable mutual and exchange-traded funds were similar to those of traditional funds. Other studies have found that ESG investments can outperform conventional ones.

Low Risk Green Energy Investment EV Charging Setup Mini Grid Setup Solar Power Economics Solar Power Technology Green Energy Investment High Returns Low-Risk Green Energy Investment ESG Green EV Charging PV Powered EV Charging Carbon Free Power

Lower Risk

The same Morgan Stanley study found that sustainable funds consistently showed a lower downside risk than traditional funds, regardless of the asset class. The study found that during turbulent markets, such as in 2008, 2009, 2015, and 2018, traditional funds had significantly larger downside deviation than sustainable funds, meaning traditional funds had a higher potential for loss.

Are you looking for a fixed income?

Interest rates are close to zero and indications are the Federal Reserve will maintain these low rates for some time to come. We offer an alternative that will boost your fixed income by investing in solar power projects that generate consistent returns.

EV Charging Setup Mini Grid Setup Solar Power Economics Solar Power Technology Green Energy Investment High Returns Low-Risk Green Energy Investment ESG Green EV Charging PV Powered EV Charging Carbon Free Power

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